Sunday, 20 October 2013

iWedding #nursinginformatics

Although it's not specifically within the domain of nursing informatics, I couldn't help but blog about something interesting I noticed yesterday while attending a wedding.

         As I mentioned in a previous blog - I'm starting to notice the impact of technology in my own life. Things that affect me personally or things that I just happen to notice in the world that I may not have noticed prior to being involved in this course.
          With that being said, it took me about 2.5 seconds to notice that the officiant at the wedding was using an iPad!
          Seeing these types of changes makes me stop to contemplate what things will be like in a year? Five years? Ten?
          And with changes like this, I can only expect even more significant changes in the medical field. Will the technology I am learning about now, learning to use in my nursing education, even be relevant in my practice in a few years? Or will certain technologies just become moot in the grand scheme of things? And how will it affect the generation of nurses who are not the type to easily adapt to changes in technology?
iPad Mini
          Will moving forward with technology actually cause set backs with regards to the care of patients and maintaining the therapeutic relationship...? Just something to consider.

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